McDonald’s are widely loved for their food and restaurants but sadly do not have such a great reputation as an employer. The ‘McJob’ is seen as a dead-end career with little opportunities whilst this is far from the truth in reality.
We were tasked with repositioning working at McDonald’s at a time when the franchise forecasted the need for an all time high of 120,000 new employees in the next 12 months.
We proposed broadening the campaign beyond young people to a more diverse workforce by targeting older retired people and returning mums via the campaign message, ‘Made at McDonald’s’. Rather than focus on what McDonald’s offers employees, we celebrated the amazing softer skills people can bring to and develop at McDonald’s.

The Results
- 20% increase in applications in the first 2 weeks
- Quality of applicants increased (drop outs reduced by 17%)
- The campaign is still being run in restaurants and online
McDonald's | Made at McDonald's
Addressing misconceptions about working at McDonald’s.