BBH London



  • Advertising/Creative
  • Brand strategy
  • Integrated marketing


Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) is one of the world’s most famous creative agencies. Founded in London in 1982, we now also have offices in New York, Ireland, Stockholm, Mumbai, Singapore and Shanghai. Our logo, the black sheep, represents the power of difference – because when the world zigs, we zag. This BBH thinking, combined with our care, craft and magic, has made Tesco £2.3bn in the last 5 years and made Audi £2bn in the last 3. It's how we invented lines like Vorsprung durch Technik for Audi, Keep Walking for Johnnie Walker and The Web Is What You Make Of It for Google – and why we are IPA Effectiveness Agency of the Year.





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The Silver Culture Project

BBH London has launched ethnographic research highlighting the attitudes, interests and desires of older people and offering brands advice on how they can best tap into the often misunderstood demographic. The Silver Culture project aims to help the advertising industry address its biggest blind spot - the over 65s, a lucrative audience with more time, more money and more purchasing power than any other generation.*

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The Consumer Lens on Trends

'After trawling through trend reports, we noticed that similar narratives came up again and again. Would consumers connect them to their own lives? We selected 10 recurrent trend narratives, to put to people from up and down the country. Our aim wasn’t to prove or disprove them. Nor was it to reflect public opinion at scale. Instead, we wanted to pull out some zags - by looking at trends in a different way.'

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Macho, Macho, Not So Masculine, Man?

In the wake of Barbie-mania over summer and headlines dominated by the rise and fall of Andrew Tate, we wanted to explore what masculinity means for people in the UK. We partnered with GWI to undertake proprietary research to step out of the Mojo Dojo Casa House and question what masculinity really means for UK consumers. Read more in our exclusive report below.

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Brand Coins: A Guide to Some Possible Futures

If you’ve only just wrapped your head around the idea of jpegs selling for millions of dollars, you may not be ready for our CSO Will Lion’s guide to the brave new world of brandcoins. But you’re definitely going to need it. So strap in, it gets weird.

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Checked Out

Why consumers still need to be convinced about buying directly from brands. Download the full report here:

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How brands can emerge well from Covid-19

A BBH briefing to marketing leaders: How brands emerge well after COVID-19. In the darkness, provide the light.

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Brands & Covid: How to protect your brand

A BBH briefing on marketing in the time of COVID-19: how brands stay trading, stay helpful and emerge strong.
