Project Plant


Samsung is trusted and reliable, but it was also seen as corporate, uncool and cold by a young eco-keen urban generation.

Samsung were keen prove their efforts for a more sustainable future with this low affinity audience.


The eco-keen urban generation were unaware of how technology can help them live more sustainably. 

Demonstrating the effects in real-time would be a huge benefit for this generation to understand and build brand affinity.


We created Project Plant - the UK’s first urban-farm-to-table pizzeria in the heart of Dalston - combining nature and tech to inspire the way we select, grow and consume food more sustainably in small, urban spaces.

The urban farm, built with Green Lab, included over 500 crops with conditions monitored and controlled by Samsung technology. 

Working with restaurant partner Purezza, Project Plant gave visitors the opportunity to harvest their own toppings to whip up into a personalised pizza on-site.

social views
ER + 159%
above benchmark
‘brand love’ uplift among Gen Z
pieces of coverage


Combining nature and tech to enable small-space growing

To shift brand perceptions among Gen Z’s, we created the UK’s first urban-farm-to-table pizzeria - combining nature and tech to inspire the way we grow food in urban spaces.

Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat


[email protected]