Helen Normoyle

Co-founder of MyMenopauseCentre.com and WACL member


Helen Normoyle is a self-described women’s wellness champion and has held Chief Marketing Officer roles across the healthcare, beauty, broadcast, furniture and property sectors with Boots, the BBC, DFS and Countrywide respectively. Together with Dr Clare Spencer she founded the femtech start-up My Menopause Centre. Both women are passionate about empowering women to take control of their menopause and thrive, using evidence-based information and advice from menopause experts. My Menopause Centre’s website provides evidence-based information and advice on all stages of the menopause transition, thirty-eight symptoms of the menopause and a questionnaire that results in a free, personalised menopause assessment. It also offers a private online clinic with menopause doctors who take a holistic, evidence-based and personalised approach to menopause care, available across the UK.

More from Helen Normoyle


‘The Menopause Is For Life – Not Just Menopause Awareness Day’

By Helen Normoyle

Helen Normoyle considers how organisations can build on the momentum created by World Menopause Day to break down taboos and encourage open conversation around menopause in the workplace.

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