How do you turn a grudge purchase into one that enhances the customer experience?


The world of insurance is changing.

The more that our lives revolve around m-commerce, the more that insurance is required to protect us in those micro moments that matter.

But from renting scooters and outfits to getting groceries delivered by drone, brands need to offer adequate protection to maintain a positive CX.


We differentiated Chubb from pure play InsurTechs by positioning it as a leader with a vision. One whose expertise, scale and product mix can help m-commerce brands create untapped possibilities for their customers.

And with it, a competitive advantage through better CX - and increased incremental sales. Because our key audience was m-commerce brands, we needed 
to ensure that our creative solution was designed for the mobile world they live in.


This idea was brought to life through a range of video lengths, shot both horizontally and vertically served programmatically based on previous audience engagement.

The campaign was supported through CRM, Website, Digital Display and Digital Audio. Assets were transcreated to suit specific needs of local markets and regions.


CHUBB STUDIO - Branding the future of insurance.

From renting scooters and outfits to getting groceries delivered by drone, brands need to offer adequate insurance to maintain a positive CX. As a global insurance leader, Chubb can offer this, but many brands assume this can only be offered by like-minded InsurTech platforms.

Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat

Leagas Delaney

+44 (0)20 7758 1758 [email protected]