Launching a reactive outdoor campaign in 24 hours, with Magnum
Our real-time campaign with Magnum reminded people that even on the hottest day of Great Britain’s history, there’s always time for pleasure.
The background:
On July 18th, 2022, news outlets around the world announced that the following day would be the hottest day in Great Britain’s history. So Magnum decided to remind people that even in that unprecedented heat there’s still time for pleasure. The goal was to connect and comfort people in a country that was not ready to handle temperatures over 40ºC. In less than 24 hours, Magnum launched “Melting Icon”, a reactive outdoor campaign portraying how the classic ice creams lose their iconic shapes because of the heat. Five different posters around London were all accompanied by the headline “On the hottest day ever, enjoy it before it melts” and supported by social media.
This was Magnum’s first campaign that didn't feature the iconic shape of its ice cream, but only its other brand asset: the stick.

Through outdoor digital ads alone, "Melting Icon" reached over half a million people. People’s reaction to the Melting Icon campaign online was 100% positive, so Magnum decided to give away free ice cream at the Pleasure Store in Shoreditch throughout the week.
In addition, news outlets around the world picked up on the campaign, creating a new way to measure the heat: how long does it take for a Magnum to melt? With mentions in the country's major media outlets, such as the Daily Mail and The Sun, it achieved an estimated reach of +2.1m people in one day.

Magum 'Melting Icon'
A real-time campaign launched in 24 hours, to reminded people that even on the hottest day of Great Britain’s history, there’s always time for pleasure.