Holly Eddleston

Head of Influencer Marketing BIG little London


Holly has been in the dynamic realm of Influencer Marketing for 12 years, a time span that harkens back to the "wild west" era when makeup brands bartered lipsticks for Zoella's endorsements, long before the ubiquity of the #Ad disclaimer. It's noteworthy that the term "Influencer Marketing" was yet to take its current form during her early days.
Her career began at Red Bull, and since then, she has traversed a diverse landscape, serving roles in digital, advertising, and influencer tech agencies. Over the last decade, the role of influencer marketing has undergone a profound transformation.
Holly's penchant for data is palpable; she revels in poring over campaign results, extracting valuable insights, and employing these findings to refine future strategies. She's a keen advocate of effective reporting, emphasising that influencer marketing plays a pivotal role in achieving a company's objectives. Whether it's driving downloads, generating sales, or reshaping brand perceptions, influencer marketing consistently delivers.

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