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Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


Mission Possible with Eurotunnel

Launched the new Summer campaign in Partnership with the new Mission Impossible: Fallout film.

Disciplines: Advertising/Creative, Branded content

Sector: Travel/Tourism

Agency: Drum

BITE Insight

Ah family holidays. Those elusive things that come round once, maybe twice, a year. The weeks you look forward to and then, when they are over, you’re quite willing to never do again. And as you pack up the car, you take a deep breath and wonder why it so often feels like an impossible task.

Drum’s latest work for Eurotunnel, in partnership with the film Mission: Impossible - Fallout, wants to assure you that, while going on a family holiday may seem like a stressful undertaking, with Eurotunnel it is very much Mission Possible.

The campaign video sees the score from the film play over the seemingly normal scenes of an alarm going off, the assembling of the troops and packing up the car. With the iconic Mission: Impossible music as a backdrop, the intensity of each situation is amplified from the forgotten charger to an open boot. But, thankfully, each problem that pops up is quickly resolved.

The amusing, light-hearted slot launched across digital, social and cinema to accompany the film’s release.

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