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Beauty Bay

Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


New Queen in Town

Announcing Beauty Bay as the spiritual home for the beauty bold and the fashion fearless

Disciplines: Integrated marketing

Sector: Beauty/Cosmetics

Agency: New Queen in Town, Therapy

BITE Insight

Cultural trends often seem to move faster than the advertising which seeks to reflect them. The beauty industry is no exception. But over the last few years, more beauty brands are looking to represent the world as it is, rather than as traditional ideals would have us believe.

Therapy worked with the online beauty retailer Beauty Bay on their campaign There's a New Queen in Town. The campaign set out to not only break the mould, but to "smash it to smithereens".

Beauty Bay sells Instagram famous, boundary pushing exclusive brands. So, with this campaign, they wanted to bring people's attention to the stagnant, diluted nature of the high street, which they believed lacked seduction.

There's a New Queen in Town brings the idea of seduction back into beauty, cementing the brand as the spiritual home for the beauty bold. The campaign celebrates those who experiment, those who are provocative and those who dare to defy convention.

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