Thought Leadership

Ogilvy Pride

The New Normal is No Normal

Kara Melchers

Managing Editor, BITE Creativebrief


Ogilvy Pride

Ogilvy Pride has a mission of promoting diversity and inclusivity of the wider LGBTQ community both internally as well as within the industry and amongst their clients.

Their recent study - The New Normal is No Normal - included speaking to experts and conducting qualitative and quantitative research with Post-Millennials and young Millennials, aged 18-25 years, across the UK. It specifically looked at how younger audiences feel about gender identity and diversity, and communication experts can do to help rewrite the script for LGBTQ acceptance and make it normal.

To share the findings from the study, Ogilvy Pride took to the stage last week, to discuss the changing narrative around gender and sexual identity, and its impact on the world of advertising and marketing.

Hosted by BBC Business News Presenter & Correspondent, Ben Thompson, the evening focused on the idea that as the definitions surrounding gender and identity evolve so too must our attitudes and actions as brands and advertisers.

The diverse panel encouraged agencies and brands not only adjust their knowledge of gender narratives in order to reflect changing consumer attitudes, but to also shape their communications to align with the new norm in order to help craft a more inclusive, progressive narrative.

Key take outs:

  • Establishing new norms
    Ogilvy’s own Amelia Priddis shed light on the new norm the millennial generations are currently expanding when it comes to sexuality and gender. Like all generations, they question the rules of those who’ve come before them & look to push present day boundaries as a means of establishing new norms and social constructs. LGBTQIA millennials are challenging the binary relationship we currently have with gender and are questioning the binary element and the breadth of its spectrum.
  • Brands & LGBTQIA
    In terms of marketing in this context, many brands are still in the early days of communicating with LGBTQIA audiences. As an LGBT Muslim working in marketing, Asad gave his take on how brands are reacting to this. He urges communications planners to look at the responsibility they carry when segmenting, whether that’s based on gender or religion.

    The panel’s discussion revealed two main factors that hold brands back when considering LGBTQIA marketing: fear of backlash, and fear of getting it wrong. However, Patrick encouraged brands not to hold back, believing they need to “get their skates on or be left behind” when it comes to issues such as representing same sex couples.
  • Battles still to fight
    With trans stories at an all time peak in the news agenda, Charlie brought to light some of the key battles still to fight, sighting hope for a time when a transgender person will be able to play a role and be simply seen as an actor/actress before they are recognized as a token Transgender performer.

HOST; Ben Thompson - News Presenter & Correspondent, BBC
Patrick Strudwick – LGBT Editor, Buzzfeed
Rhiannon Styles - Elle UK’s first Trans Columnist
Asad Dhunna - LGBT Muslim advocate/writer
Amelia Priddis – Senior Brand Strategist, Ogilvy
Charlie Craggs  - Nail Transphobia’s Founder and Transactivist

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