


  • Advertising/Creative
  • Digital
  • Integrated marketing


An independent creative agency for people who want to make their mark on the world. Whether it’s changing behaviours, transforming businesses or creating fame, our mission has always been to make an impact on the world with ideas that leave a positive dent in culture.




BITE Articles

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Thought Leadership

Driving confidence is vital for finance brands

Marketing leaders from Monzo, Natwest, PensionBee and Mr President discussed how finance brands can better connect with young consumers

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Thought Leadership

Are brands doing enough to consider cultural context within the work?

In an age of uncertainty and crisis we asked industry leaders if brands need to have more cultural awareness.

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Broadening audiences with beavers

The Woodsman Whisky campaign from Mr. President highlights the importance of doing things differently and the value of challenging the status quo

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‘Have a bit more fun, try things’

Mr. President’s James Cooper shares how curiosity, fun and passion help fuel creativity in the workplace

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It’s time to change tack and liberate your creatives

Career progression is no longer linear, enter the ‘Squiggly Career’ path

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Fuel Your Imagination

The Woodsman Whisky debuts beaver brand mascot

The campaign from Mr. President capitalises on the animal's hardworking nature

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Thought Leadership

The Great August Reset Roundup

Steal some of the habits, inspiration and creative methods of the industry's finest

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Thought Leadership

Mr. President 5 learnings from 10 years

The agency shares learnings on resilience and reflects on new ways of working

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Thought Leadership

Elevating the LGBTQ+ community extends beyond Pride Month

A round-up of BITE’s Pride coverage to elevate the voices of the LGBTQ+ community all year round.

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Allyship shouldn’t be a strategy but a way of operating

How Mr. President is making actionable strides toward LGBTQ+ inclusion

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Metro Bank turns to community with new campaign supporting business customers

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Hot Pick

GLOBAL encourages brands to advertise outdoors again

As audiences bounce back, this campaign is a playful reminder of the power of outdoor advertising, to reach the eyes of those you may’ve been missing while we’ve all been stuck indoors.

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Hot Pick

The Alliance of Her invites women into positions of power in politics

Data demonstrates that equality doesn’t only benefit women; it benefits us all. Platforms like the Alliance for Her are vital in building up a collective voice.

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Thought Leadership

Are marketing careers becoming more Squiggly and what should the industry do to adapt to the end of linear careers paths?

In an era in which creative people have the tools and the inclinations to create their own paths to success and happiness, business as usual is no longer an option.

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Pay Gap Pound campaign proves equal pay is personal in advertising

A campaign from Mr President and SheSays highlights the importance of Equal Pay Day for the creative industries.

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Thought Leadership

Have we reached peak purpose in marketing communications?

The global climate strike has placed the climate emergency at the very top of the agenda, yet the role of purpose in marketing remains debatable.

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Are you ready to play?

Welcome to your new gamified world

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Diversity to inclusivity

Transforming the richness of ideas into real business value

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What Community Will You Build?

How brands are helping us to stay connected

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Real Brands For Real People

Adopted a customer-centric approach to marketing

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The Reality Gap

Bridging the physical and digital divide