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Devesting and rebranding: Stepping out from the shadow of the zebra

In 2020, Investec Asset Management devolved from Investec group, in all ways and we were briefed to develop, define and launch them as a new brand called “Ninety One”, without alienating or impacting the stakeholders, staff and importantly clients they would take with them.

In developing their new brand, we communicated the true meaning of Ninety One. 

We put change at the heart of the company’s brand DNA, and its brand proposition.

We built on the value of change and evolved their message to engage a wider audience.

To understand, navigate and find opportunities within these changes you need the right people.  

Over 2 years we established Ninety One as the right people.


Devesting and rebranding: Stepping out from the shadow of the zebra

In 2020, Investec Asset Management devolved from Investec group, in all ways and we were briefed to develop, define and launch them as a new brand called “Ninety One”, without alienating or impacting the stakeholders, staff and importantly clients they would take with them.

Business Objectives



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