Weber Shandwick x That Lot



  • Brand strategy
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Social


We believe that what is most valued and most enduring isn’t simply given, or bought – it’s earned.

And when it comes to brands, this is no different. In a world of complexity, convergence, media fragmentation and apathy; to earn value, you have to contribute value.

Introducing Weber Shandwick x That Lot. Combining creativity, cultural relevance and media and social expertise we exist to solve any brand challenge across the earned spectrum – from content to events to influencers to press office. So whether you need to earn attention, column inches, likes and shares, brand love, more eyeballs, more fame and ultimately more sales – we have the expertise to make it a reality.

As key parts of The Weber Shandwick Collective, we are the world’s leading earned-first network. So let’s discuss why earning your way is the only way.





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It's a Flex

Struggling to keep up with the fast-paced online culture? At That Lot, we understand the chaos of social media. Introducing our first Unskippable White Paper: It’s a Flex! This guide helps brands navigate the social landscape, from understanding online culture to embracing AI and social guidelines. We offer tips to avoid the cringe abyss and join relevant discussions. Even we get puzzled by some trends, but our experience can help you find your flex in the social world.

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is the single tax. It has never been more difficult for a single person to live independently. CNBC reported that almost half of US adults are currently single and are dealing with the “single tax”. The principle is that maintaining a single household doesn't cost half of a two person household. Current societal structures remind you not only are you single - but you have to pay for it too. Want more Forecast Email [email protected]

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast: interviewer jobs at the red carpet are being given to social media stars. Meaning journalists that have spent years honing their craft are being overlooked. There has been backlash in consequence to seeing influencers at the award show for their style of questioning and lack of preparation. It's tricky finding the right person for the job and more broadly, it opens up a wider conversation on merit. Want more Forecast Email [email protected]

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is when meme sticks and trends change the lexicon. New phrases and words are invented on TikTok and some haves short lifespan, but others do have staying power. For example when someone say 'X is my roman empire.' There is an understanding, it is something they think about often. Some brands like RSPB have established an authentic sense of belonging online. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is AI sceptics are reclaiming a centuries-old term; neo-luddites. A growing number of them are gaining public awareness with extreme attitudes towards the dangers of AI, believing humanity has around five years left. The decline of social media, yearning for pre internet times... there's a growing sense of techno-pessimism in wider society. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected]

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is authentic activism. Gen Alpha prefer to engage in digital protests on platforms like Roblox, for example the Virtual March to Retire Big Oil. Online offers a new form of activism which appeal to different personality types. Allowing more people to make protesting more personal to them. There is a decrease in performative activism and a shift towards authentic and meaningful forms. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is smoking is hot! People are struggle to quit nicotine, even though we know its harmful. Disposable vapes are popular with younger people and in the UK these have been banned, causing outcry. What’s so addictive about nicotine? Last year the Guardian suggested the shared experience and thrill of connection often experienced in smoking areas can be a draw, as young people crave intimate moments. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected]

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is the return of appointment TV. Since the start of January, 'Traitors Fever' has taken over the UK. For the first time in a long time it felt like we were all finally engaging in a shared experience. Nick Hilton described the excitement around the show as the “beginning of a rebellion against the illusion of choice offered by streaming”. we kind of hope it is to. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is the disappointment in dating. It has been reported that people are falling out of love with dating apps, singles are becoming tired of swiping, and looking for new ways to meet people. Increasing numbers of young people are staying. Can brands change the conversation about what we consider success to be in our younger years, focusing on personal development rather than social and romantic? Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is the rise of silly subvertising. Recently we have seen brands using parady to cut through - and we think 2024 will be the year that see more ads and products get created with the intention of being spoofed. When Balenciaga unveiled a $900 skirt that resembled a bath towel, IKEA was quick off the mark to parody the item with its £16 alternative. Cleverly tapping into culture. You love to see it. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Weber Forecast: UNLOCK24

What is to be expected in 2024? In our UNLOCK24 Weber Forecast we deep dive into the top trends that we think are going to shape the landscape in the coming year. In this report we look into the next generation, the tide turning on influencers, entering into ‘panopticontent’, returning to a simpler lifestyle and all the political events. To find out more, read our report to see our predictions for 2024.
