Fadi Dada

Strategist Nice and Serious


Fadi Dada is a Strategist at Nice and Serious, a creative agency focused on making creative work the world needs. He’s worked with international charities and brands, including WWF, BAFTA, IKEA, Ben & Jerry's and Mars, to communicate environmental and social issues through branding, campaigns and creative content.

More from Fadi Dada


From sustainable pioneer to category defining brand

By Fadi Dada

Fadi Dada, Strategist at Nice and Serious, considers branding in the sustainable start-up world; exploring trends, limitations and its potential to reach broader audiences.

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Don’t ruin Christmas

By Fadi Dada

Greenpeace UK’s comedy Ultimate Roast Battle from Nice and Serious helped highlight the devastation of deforestation and draw attention to the ultimate Christmas conspiracy: turkey.

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