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AI: transforming work in the fourth industrial revolution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Fully understanding – and then leveraging – the power and potential of AI will take some time, but many professionals are already integrating it into their working world. There is curiosity about how best to use AI and concern about the current-day job functions that it may largely – or entirely – replace.

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Digital Inclusion: the Necessity of Accessibility.

Research report carried out by Current Global and MAGNA among 800 people with disabilities in the UK and US into their experiences consuming communications content, and the impact that its accessibility has for their attitudes towards brands. The results of this research report informed our subsequent agency commitment to do all we can to produce accessible communications; and has helped us convince firms around the world of the moral and business imperative to close the disability gap.

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TBWA Backslash Edges Report

More than a trend report, Edges don’t spotlight the hot new aesthetics, buzzy social media moments, or here-today-gone-tomorrow fads. Rather, TBWA Backslash's 2024 Edge glossary offers a future-focused look at the most substantial global cultural shifts—taking a nuanced dive into the latest manifestations and tensions that are changing their trajectory. The full glossary of Edges can be downloaded now at

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AI Consumer Index

The AI Consumer Index is your compass to understanding what consumers expect from AI-enabled brand experiences and voice applications, so you can stay ahead. The report offers invaluable strategic insights that will empower your brand to deliver exceptional experiences in the era of AI-driven interactions.

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is the single tax. It has never been more difficult for a single person to live independently. CNBC reported that almost half of US adults are currently single and are dealing with the “single tax”. The principle is that maintaining a single household doesn't cost half of a two person household. Current societal structures remind you not only are you single - but you have to pay for it too. Want more Forecast Email [email protected]

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast: interviewer jobs at the red carpet are being given to social media stars. Meaning journalists that have spent years honing their craft are being overlooked. There has been backlash in consequence to seeing influencers at the award show for their style of questioning and lack of preparation. It's tricky finding the right person for the job and more broadly, it opens up a wider conversation on merit. Want more Forecast Email [email protected]

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How NOT to talk about sustainability

We know that climate change is a hot topic, but sustainability is a challenging topic of conversation – especially for brands. Nicola Davies, Head of Strategy at Exposure, examines how brands can create compelling sustainable narratives that inspire meaningful conversations, offer hope and galvanise action.

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is when meme sticks and trends change the lexicon. New phrases and words are invented on TikTok and some haves short lifespan, but others do have staying power. For example when someone say 'X is my roman empire.' There is an understanding, it is something they think about often. Some brands like RSPB have established an authentic sense of belonging online. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Consumer Lens on Trends

'After trawling through trend reports, we noticed that similar narratives came up again and again. Would consumers connect them to their own lives? We selected 10 recurrent trend narratives, to put to people from up and down the country. Our aim wasn’t to prove or disprove them. Nor was it to reflect public opinion at scale. Instead, we wanted to pull out some zags - by looking at trends in a different way.'

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Macho, Macho, Not So Masculine, Man?

In the wake of Barbie-mania over summer and headlines dominated by the rise and fall of Andrew Tate, we wanted to explore what masculinity means for people in the UK. We partnered with GWI to undertake proprietary research to step out of the Mojo Dojo Casa House and question what masculinity really means for UK consumers. Read more in our exclusive report below.

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How airlines can take off with simplicity-first solutions

By taking a simplicity-first approach, airlines can resolve complexity and help alleviate some of the most stressful and painful moments throughout the passenger journey. Here are some examples:

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PrettyGreen Introduces The Play Book Report

Want to make the most of your marketing budget when it comes to planning activations on cultural calendar days? Take a look into our new Play Book report about behaviours in the leisure sector, revealing new insights into how UK audiences are spending their time and money in 2024. Download your preview PDF here linking to the full Play Book report.

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is AI sceptics are reclaiming a centuries-old term; neo-luddites. A growing number of them are gaining public awareness with extreme attitudes towards the dangers of AI, believing humanity has around five years left. The decline of social media, yearning for pre internet times... there's a growing sense of techno-pessimism in wider society. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected]

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is authentic activism. Gen Alpha prefer to engage in digital protests on platforms like Roblox, for example the Virtual March to Retire Big Oil. Online offers a new form of activism which appeal to different personality types. Allowing more people to make protesting more personal to them. There is a decrease in performative activism and a shift towards authentic and meaningful forms. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected].

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The Weber Forecast

This week's snippet from The Weber Forecast is smoking is hot! People are struggle to quit nicotine, even though we know its harmful. Disposable vapes are popular with younger people and in the UK these have been banned, causing outcry. What’s so addictive about nicotine? Last year the Guardian suggested the shared experience and thrill of connection often experienced in smoking areas can be a draw, as young people crave intimate moments. Want more Forecast? Email [email protected]

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DIGITAL 2024 | Your ultimate guide to the evolving digital world

Our Digital 2024 report highlights everything you need to know about social media, internet, mobile and ecommerce trends globally. In a bumper year for digital milestones, social media users have passed the 5 billion mark, increasing by 266 million over the past year. The typical social media user now spends 2 hours and 23 minutes per day on their social platforms of choice, with activities ranging from shopping to connecting, entertaining to looking for information about brands.