Prostate Cancer UK - Ode to Dads

The Problem

To help diagnose prostate cancer earlier, we needed to raise awareness of the disease, and encourage people to donate to fund ongoing research. In particular we wanted to speak to those with dads over 50, who might start to find themselves worrying about their parents' health.

The Zag

Not 'men'. Dads.

The Solution

Airing in the lead up to and on Father’s Day, we created an affectionate and endearing love letter to dads – because a day without our Dads means a day without all those quirky things we love about them.

To show what we’d be missing, we turned the classic “She’s the One” into “He’s the One” - an ode to all the things that make dads precious to us. Mostly funny, sometimes sincere, and all from the heart. The main campaign film was supported by humorous but warm OOH, radio and a UGC campaign on TikTok.

The Results

Bronze Cannes Lion Winner
Silver British Arrows Winner
Silver Cilo Awards Winner
Global Coverage


Prostate Cancer UK - Ode to Dads

More than 11,500 men die from prostate cancer in the UK each year – that's 30 men every day, including Father’s Day. Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. But when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured.


Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat

BBH London

+44 7505923216 [email protected]