No fruit should be forbidden.

Poor diets kill more people globally than tobacco and high blood pressure. To help fight this issue, and promote a healthier diet, ‘Dole Sunshine Company’, the largest fruit provider in the world, committed to getting good nutrition to all who need it, wanted to get the world talking about the importance of fruit. But how do you make fruit interesting enough to spark a global conversation?

Appealing to the world’s biggest influencer to finally restore the reputation of the Forbidden Fruit.

Original Sin or Original Snack?

On International Fruit Day 2022, Dole wrote a tongue-in-cheek letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis, to rectify the biggest PR disaster in the history of fruit: the calamity of Original Sin. Published in the only newspaper he reads, La Repubblica, the letter sought to redeem the reputation of the ‘forbidden fruit’. They didn’t ask for a lot. Just a tiny change to the Bible, replacing the word “fruit” for any other unhealthy snack, like donuts. Tapping into the world’s biggest influencer, without really expecting him to lift a finger. Today, more than ever, no fruit should be forbidden.

We understand that requesting this change is a bold and provocative ask, and we of course mean no disrespect to His Holiness or the Church. We believe if we can resolve this misrepresentation of fruit, we can start a new global narrative that focuses on its benefits, and creates new, healthier eating habits that are consistent with our purpose to bring good nutrition to all.”

Pier Luigi Sigismondi, President of Dole
The campaign acheived approximately $2.2M in earned media
In just a few days, we achieved 55M+ media impressions


Dole, The Unforbidden Fruit

Poor diets kill more people globally than tobacco and high blood pressure. To help fight this issue, and promote a healthier diet, ‘Dole Sunshine Company’, the largest fruit provider in the world, committed to getting good nutrition to all who need it.

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Grey London

0203 037 3157 [email protected]