
Five steps to support emotional and mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

By Nicola Kemp

In the midst of the pressure and uncertainty of the coronavirus outbreak, NABS offers advice as to how to better support people across the industry.

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How to navigate a bad brief

By Visha Naul

By shifting your mindset and taking ownership of your own career there is no such thing as a ‘bad brief’, writes Visha Naul, Co-Founder of Futures Network.

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Talk is cheap, the cost of childcare isn’t: A quarter of parents in the marketing industry say their earnings don’t cover childcare costs

By Nicola Kemp

Research from Pregnant Then Screwed has highlighted the crippling economic pressure facing parents returning to work in the marketing industry with children under three.

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The creative industry has a gender bias problem: Here’s how data could help

By Caitlin Stanway-Williams

Caitlin Stanway-Williams, Datasine’s Head of Content examines how data could be used to tackle the creative industry’s gender bias and ensure campaigns better reflect the way society really looks, thinks and feels.

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What does it mean to be a woman in the creative industries?

By Sarah Glover

While over 60% of creative students are female, only 12% of creative directors are. We spoke to industry insiders, both junior and senior, to find out what it means to be a woman in the creative industries today.

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Wunderman Thompson invites staff to write “letters from the heart”

By Izzy Ashton

As part of an initiative to celebrate LGBT+ History Month, Wunderman Thompson asked staff to write poems, “letters from the heart”, on what LGBTQIA+ means to them.

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Businesses must restructure to challenge traditional notions of leadership

By Anna Coscia

Anna Coscia, Planning Director at Quiet Storm, argues that society still associates power with masculinity, presenting a case for business restructuring which allows women and men to lead in a more inclusive way.

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DICE launches to improve diversity at conferences and events

By Izzy Ashton

All-white 'manels' are often still the norm at industry events. But DICE, launched today, is setting out to change this by introducing a 10-point charter to improve diversity and inclusion across industry conferences and events.

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Is there creative life beyond London?

By Colin Montgomery

Well obviously, says Colin Montgomery, Copywriter at Leith. Because how on earth can you function as a successful nation in any respect if you don’t fully understand, appreciate or celebrate the essentially multifarious nature of said nation?

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Why now is the time to break the silence surrounding periods in the workplace

By Siobhan Brunwin

Shiv Brunwin, People Director at MullenLowe Group asks, is 2020 the year that we talk about that thing that happens every month to half the population that we just don’t talk about?

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Dear Adland invites the industry to #createchange

By Dear Adland

By sharing people’s stories publicly, but anonymously, Dear Adland are creating testament to the fact that none of us are alone. They’re building the swell for a new wave of advertising; a safer and more positive place for everyone.

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True inclusion means ending sexual harassment in adland 

By Terri Bailey

Terri Bailey Director of Culture Change & Wellbeing Services at NABS introduces new training programmes for the year ahead to tackle sexual harassment at work & help create inclusive, non-toxic environments where everyone has a chance to thrive.

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Why female-led networks are set to change the business world as we know it

By Kelli Lane

New forms of networking are creating spaces to be vulnerable, share stories and create connections. Kelli Lane, Managing Director at co:collective introduces the female-led networks inspiring change across the industry.

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40 Over Forty launches to prove creative talent doesn’t have a used-by date

By Nicola Kemp

A new platform is launching to celebrate the value of experience in advertising by recognising the best talent in the industry that is also over 40.

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