Thought Leadership

Women's sport ‘second mover’ advantage

By Georgie Moreton

Industry experts consider how to leverage the power of brand to drive growth for women's sport

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Thought Leadership

Stepping into the spotlight

By Georgie Moreton

Industry leaders from the IPA, UN Women, Accenture Song, McCann and We Are Futures underline the importance of investing in female talent

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Thought Leadership

Should creative businesses do more to drive happiness?

By Nicola Kemp

To mark International Day of Happiness we asked if the creative industries should do more to prioritise staff happiness

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Thought Leadership

Feminism isn’t just a women's issue

By Georgie Moreton

Ocean Outdoor’s International Women’s Day Event served to empower, uplift and inspire

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Thought Leadership

Sustainable Advertising: A rewarding choice of career?

By Matt Bourn and Sebastian Munden

The Advertising Association’s Communication Director Matt Bourn and Ad Net Zero’s’ Chair Sebastian Munden on why embracing sustainability is crucial to attracting and retaining talent

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Thought Leadership

International Women’s Day demands deeds not words

By Nicola Kemp

In the second part of our series industry leaders ask if 2024 will be the year of communication through demonstration

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Thought Leadership

IWD needs communication through demonstration

By Nicola Kemp

We asked industry leaders if brands need to do more to place action at the heart of their approach to International Women’s Day

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Thought Leadership

Are leaders underestimating the impact of generative AI?

By Nicola Kemp

Industry leaders have their say on the AI revolution

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Thought Leadership

Are brands doing enough to consider cultural context within the work?

By Nicola Kemp

In an age of uncertainty and crisis we asked industry leaders if brands need to have more cultural awareness.

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Thought Leadership

Learnings from LEAD 2024

By Georgie Moreton

At the Advertising Association, IPA, and ISBA’s annual flagship conference, industry leaders discuss talent, AI, sustainability and growth

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Thought Leadership

Are brands underestimating the marketing potential of Galentine's Day?

By Nicola Kemp

The focus on Valentine’s Day in the midst of a cost of living crisis leaves brands at risk of being out of touch

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Thought Leadership

Media Smart publishes impact report

By Nicola Kemp

The non-profit education programme is highlighting the resources it has for young people, parents and teachers to mark Safer Internet Day

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Thought Leadership

Should brands be doing things differently when it comes to promoting healthy lifestyles?

By Georgie Moreton

As consumers wise up to wellness washing brands may need to rethink how they market a healthy lifestyle

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Thought Leadership

Latest Advertising Association and WARC figures shows adspend boost

By Georgie Moreton

AA/WARC Expenditure Report shows a 15.9% increase in spend between July and September

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