
Setting goals for creativity in 2025

BITE’s Year Ahead series saw industry leaders looking back at 2024 and ripping up the rulebook.

Jeevan Georgina Hammond

Editorial Assistant Creativebrief


As January draws to an end, so does the season of goal setting, new year’s resolutions, and fresh starts. While there can be pressures to create drastic change in January, think ‘new year, new me’, there is also an opportunity to foster different mindsets and create sustainable goals for the year ahead. 

Kicking off the new year, BITE’s ‘Year Ahead’ series saw industry experts consider creativity in 2025. Contributors spoke on a range of topics, from looking inward and improving workplace equality and employee environment to fuel creativity, to looking at the big picture and seeing what worked in 2024 that we can build on for 2025. 

Leaders shared why we should be ripping up the rule book, starting over, learning new things, and foregoing sameness by creating something new and fostering a mindset of evolution. Some advocated for a focus on social media and the creator economy, while others encouraged looking at other ways to enhance creativity, like utilising AI. 

There were calls for creating responsibly; keeping sustainability and real-world issues in mind, and at the same time, expressions of the need for escapism through humour in the work. And of course, as always, much focus was on fostering long-term brand and consumer relationships and loyalty by connecting authentically with culture.

Whatever you committed to in January, the focus can now shift to momentum, keeping sight on realistic and sustainable differences to enhance creativity over the coming year. 

The Year Ahead: Breaking the taboo of gendered ageism at work 

Let’s make 2025 the year we stop merely talking about breaking the ageism taboo and start building workplaces that reflect the full spectrum of talent and opportunity. 

Social media is only going to get louder, stranger, and more unpredictable in 2025

Allan Blair shares some of the major trends set to dominate social media this year. 

2025. The great reset? Or more of a change of mindset?

Robin Upshon urges the industry to evolve and embrace the opportunities created by AI. 

2025: The start of the creator era

From the rise of Creator Entrepreneurs to the rise of long-form content, Thomas Walters, Europe CEO and co-founder of Billion Dollar Boy on the year ahead for the Creator economy. 

Learning from 2024 to inform creativity in 2025

Craig Roderick looks at some of the biggest trends of 2024 to take in to the year ahead. 

‘The creative industry is facing a crisis of sameness’ 

The Gung Ho team reflects on 2024 to embrace a mindset of evolution and cut through in 2025. 

The year ahead for creativity: A “new” approach to new business

Recipe’s Oya Mustafa is embracing a shift from transactional growth to lasting relationships and from short-term fixes to long-term value creation. 

Creativity in 2025: Smaller, sharper, and a little less purposeful

Scott Dimbleby strives for a year of embracing fun and humour to offer audiences escapism. 

From performance to performative: why we need to put the artistry back into digital

In a world where data, metrics and algorithms dominate, Matt Holt looks to create digital environments where creativity can be found in the unexpected. 

Make 2025 a year of responsible advertising

Advertising businesses that prioritise trust, inclusion, and sustainability, will not only thrive but inspire positive change, writes Stephen Woodford, CEO of the Advertising Association. 

The Year Ahead: Creativity in Social Media

Chris Cookson, CEO & Co-Founder of Uncovered, on how brands can best engage with social media to connect with audiences. 

New year, new idea? Why we shouldn’t get hung up on novelty

Hunter PR Managing Director, Daisy Pack, believes great ideas aren’t born in isolation. 

The Year Ahead for Marketing Success in 2025

Marketing leader Visha Kudhail on the importance of being more human in our approaches to marketing success. 

We can't be scared to take risks in 2025 – but it’s a team effort

Jeff Bowerman shares how he is embracing a ‘thrive in 2025’ mentality. 

Reel talk: why 2025 is the year to prioritise creativity

Kathryn Jacob OBE shares practical ways to foster more creative thinking from her book, A Year of Creativity. 

Break rules and stop fear ruling over creativity

Grey London Creative Directors, Chris Lapham and Aaron McGurk on ripping up the rulebook for creative success. 

5 PR trends to watch in 2025: Navigating authenticity, innovation, and consumer connections

5WPR’s Matthew Caiola shares how he is staying abreast of the evolving PR landscape drawing on real-world brand examples. 

Looking for inspiration in new places

Matt Buttrick on the power of doing things differently to create relative advantage. 

2025: A year of creativity in experiential

The year ahead for experiential will be rooted in empathy, creativity and deeper consumer connections, writes Chris Ambidge, Commercial Director at Collaborate. 

The great reset: Focus on equality, if you want to fuel creativity

Inspiring the best work with a work environment that empowers and rewards all employees. 

Hollywood may favour sequels, but let’s shoot for something new

In 2025, Adland should focus on originality and being bold. 

The future of creativity

Learning from 2024 how to connect with culture in 2025. 

Gaming as the next creative frontier

Brands that embrace gaming’s potential can drive creative innovation and shape the sector's future, says Jasmin Haasbach, VP Global Brand Partnerships, Head of Europe, ESL FACEIT Group. 

Teach an old dog new(s) tricks

Lotte Jones, Chief Commercial Officer, The News Movement, on the publishing landscape’s lessons for brands. 

The creator economy: A lifelong opportunity for brands

Tebo Mpanza on finding ways to connect with audiences at every life stage. 

Reimagining internal comms in 2025 to power cultural endurance

Your employees are your best advocates, says Jo Singleton, Employee Communications and Engagement Director at Smarts.

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Creativity New Year