
How Flo Bank wants to dismantle stigmas & provide sanitary products to those in need

By Izzy Ashton

With one in four women and girls unable to afford sanitary products, Hemi Patel’s creative idea aims to shift the conversation around periods and provide a solution that brings about long-lasting change.

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Unlocking unconscious biases

By Nina Stephenson-Camps

Nina Stephenson-Camps highlights the importance of unconscious bias training to acknowledge the biases themselves and, through that understanding, bring about fundamental change.

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Combating neurodiverse under-representation

By Matt Davis

Matt Davis, Executive Creative Director at Red Brick Road on how analysing neurodiversity, with autism as its centre of gravity, can adapt actions in creative ways that are meaningful for both the business and its culture.

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Why Amplify is backing Brixton Finishing School's AD-Cademy, and why you should too

By Jonathan Emmins

Jonathan Emmins, Founder of Amplify on why the agency is supporting AD-Cademy, a new nationwide virtual school on a mission to rewrite the creative industries’ talent blueprint.

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Brands need to work harder to challenge negative stereotypes of the LGBTQ+ community

By Michael Brown

Michael Brown, Partner at UM on why it’s time for brands and media platforms, both streaming and linear, to step up and take a stand against outdated tropes.

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Humanity, trust & transparency: Leadership in a pandemic

By Melissa Robertson

Melissa Robertson, CEO of Dark Horses asks, how do you maintain a workplace culture, care for your staff and motivate people when they haven't seen each other in the flesh for a year?

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WACL campaign calls for Gender Pay Gap reporting to be reinstated

By Nicola Kemp

A hard-hitting campaign, in partnership with the Fawcett Society and the Chartered Management Institute, lays out the urgent need to reinstate mandatory Gender Pay Gap reporting.

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A guide for forging a creative path

By Izzy Ashton

Nikky Lyle explains how, when freelancers started turning to her for advice, she decided to create a series of guides to help inspire and empower creatives across the industry.

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Gerety Awards 2021: Why now is the time to raise the representation bar

By Nicola Kemp

With 180 advertising and marketing leaders from 30 different countries, Gerety 2021 shows it is possible to raise the bar when it comes to elevating female leadership.

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Why it’s time to ditch the pursuit of balance and focus on boundaries

By Kim Palmer

Kim Palmer, Founder of hypnotherapy and wellness app, Clementine highlights the importance of setting boundaries and creating little rituals, and how best to stick to them.

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“Stop waiting, start creating”

By Nicola Kemp

Scott Morrison, Founder and bringer of The Boom on why the coronavirus crisis is the creative industry’s “Netflix moment”.

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Building an anti-racist industry together

By Nicola Kemp

The FUTURES Network unveils its community manifesto to better identify the barriers and drivers of positive change in their companies.

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Why your payment policy needs to be part of your mental health policy

By Nicola Kemp

The Leapers Research Study 2020 underlines the gap between rhetoric and reality when it comes to addressing mental health in the creative industries.

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Brexit, BLM, and Africa’s Creative Renaissance

By Natalie Narh & Nigel Atta-Mensah

Natalie Narh & Nigel Atta-Mensah, Co-Founders of New Comma highlight the need for a collaborative network when it comes to celebrating and promoting local and diaspora African creatives.

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