
Black History Month: Celebrating diverse voices

By Izzy Ashton

To mark Black History month we want to share some of the people and ideas which have inspired us over the past few months.

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Building back better: Industry leaders on the future of work

By Nicola Kemp

For individuals and agency leaders alike, the coronavirus crisis and looming restrictions mean that that there are often more questions than answers.

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Busting the myth of the great office return

By Nicola Kemp

How not to miss the once in a generation opportunity to reshape work for the better.

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Mischief and kindness keep us connected and resilient

By Marian Connolly

On the eve of World Mental Health Day, Marian Connolly, People Partner at Fold7 explores the ways the agency has been staying connected, keeping kind and managing overwhelm.

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The Brooklyn Brothers celebrates the power of community with the launch of Night School 2020

By Izzy Ashton

The Night School programme is designed to empower and educate young creatives; to unlock their potential and show them, and the industry, what they are capable of.

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The truth about being a game-changing creative leader in the midst of coronavirus

By Nicola Kemp

Creativity, Collaboration and Courage in Crisis are top of the agenda in the new Game Changers interview series.

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Building a future of work that works for everyone

By Marc Nohr

Marc Nohr, Miroma Agencies Group CEO, Chairman Fold7 and Chairman of the IPA Commercial Group on rethinking the future of work, creating clear boundaries and prioritising self-care.

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Overcoming Overwhelm

By Nicola Kemp

From making your own rules, to having an escape plan; ahead of next week’s Advertising Week workshop on Overcoming Overwhelm we asked the panel to share their advice.

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The Comparison Trap: Turning competition into collaborative energy

By Zara Bryson

Zara Bryson, Co-Head of Strategy at Bloom on the organisation’s latest event, inviting four speakers to discuss their experiences of comparison and explore how to avoid falling into, and how to get out of, The Comparison Trap.

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The post-lockdown talent equation

By Robin Gadsby

Robin Gadsby, CEO at Forever Beta on how the shifting working culture will see businesses needing to adapt their working and hiring policies to accommodate the new needs and thinking of the workforce.

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How the winners of the 2020 MullenLowe NOVA Awards brought their ideas to life

By Izzy Ashton

In the face of the challenges of 2020 supporting, encouraging and celebrating the next generation has never felt more vital.

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“We’re showing we can do better”: The Gerety Awards reveals its 2020 shortlist

By Izzy Ashton

The Awards are working to redefine how traditional advertising is both judged and rewarded, championing brands and campaigns that truly resonate with global consumers.

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Create Not Hate: Young Londoners reveal creative work based on first-hand experiences of racism

By Izzy Ashton

We speak to three young Londoners about their involvement with the non-profit initiative Create Not Hate, the ideas behind their work and what creativity really means to them.

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Creativity is what inspires us, but it is also who we are as humans

By Jose Miguel Sokoloff

Jose Miguel Sokoloff, Global President, MullenLowe Group Creative Council and Chief Creative Officer, MullenLowe Group UK on why supporting creative students is more important than ever.

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