
How can we ensure equal representation isn’t also a victim of Coronavirus?

By Olivia Stancombe

If companies treat equality as a nice to have rather than a business imperative, we will all lose out, writes Olivia Stancombe, Senior Strategist at Forever Beta.

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A borderless way of working

By Vicky T. Chen

Vicky T. Chen, Head of Strategy for Virtue Northern Europe shares the agency’s approach to borderless working; how it is in being flexible, rather than in being big, that the agency hopes to weather this storm.

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UK kids choose problem-solving over panic in lockdown

By Izzy Ashton

While adults try to figure out what happens next, it is Generation Alpha who may find that this experience defines their lives, both in the immediate and more long-term future, as new research from Beano Brain explores.

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The Advertising Association, ISBA and the IPA have joined forces to spearhead diversity

By Nicola Kemp

The creative industries have come together to form a new Advertising Association Inclusion Group to drive diversity and inclusion across the industry.

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China: Returning to a new reality

By Pete Lin

Pete Lin, North Asia Regional Managing Director at We Are Social China writes from a country slowly emerging from lockdown and takes a look at what lies ahead for countries attempting to navigate the same.

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Diversity will be everyone’s business after lockdown

By Asad Dhunna

Asad Dhunna, Founder of the Unmistakables believes that, as COVID-19 dismantles business as usual, having diverse voices in the room has never been more vital.

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Bloom pays it forward with mentoring programme for Women’s Aid

By Nicola Kemp

Women’s advertising network launches Bloom Boost to support the next generation of female leaders.

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Navigating the new normal

By Nicola Kemp

Adjusting to lockdown is about far more than getting the right technology in place; our weekly series examines how the industry can come together to navigate the new normal.

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“I don’t deserve to be here!”: How you can deal with Imposter Syndrome

By Supriya Dev-Purkaystha

Supriya Dev-Purkaystha, Commercial Director at ForwardPMX talks about her own experiences of imposter syndrome and offers some advice when it comes to supporting ourselves and those around us.

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How do you launch a charity sports tournament in a world without sport?

By Nicola Kemp

The behind the scenes story of how Dark Horses launched a campaign for the NHS Charities Together Cup in just six days is a compelling tale of sport, creativity, culture and compassion.

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Our new age of responsibility

By Keith Weed

Keith Weed, President of the Advertising Association believes that by acting together as an industry, we can be more responsible, more trusted and more successful.

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How do you solve a problem like isolation for the creative industries?

By Nicola Kemp

A new platform featuring talks from across the industry raised £1,000 for the Samaritans in just hours of launching.

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Navigating the new normal: Exploring the nature of the virtual pitch

By Izzy Ashton

Pitching is said to be the lifeblood of the advertising and communications industry. But, under the new global lockdown, the industry has been forced to change its process almost overnight.

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Young, broke & hungry: How can advertising improve how it recruits juniors after COVID-19?

By Mickey Jones

While COVID-19 has seen the advertising industry embracing change, Mickey Jones argues that there is still a way to go when it comes to opening the door for diverse, young creatives.

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