
Creative Access highlights the realities of finding a job under lockdown

By Izzy Ashton

When it comes to the creative industries, businesses have long been guilty of talking the talk when it comes to representation and inclusion, not often backing this up within their internal hiring processes.

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Rankin launches a print sale to raise money for the #MentorBlackBusiness project

The old adage reminds us that, while talk is cheap, it’s the action around that talk that is pivotal.

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“The advertising ecosystem is your supply chain”: Why O2 signed up to the Conscious Advertising Network

By Nicola Kemp

Posting a black box and a hashtag is no longer enough; consumers are demanding more accountability from brands about where their advertising appears.

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How do you keep creative in the midst of an extended lockdown?

By Nicola Kemp

A blunt focus on productivity alone does little to understand the challenges of maintaining focus and creative output in the midst of a global pandemic.

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“If you want to make a difference, it’s not about just donating money”: Akil Benjamin on his new initiative to mentor 300 Black businesses

By Izzy Ashton

Akil Benjamin, Head of Research & Strategy COMUZI & Director of M&C Saatchi Saturday School on the power of collective action, and the importance of recognising the value of Black business.

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Proud to be a prude

By Izzy Ashton

We Can’t Consent to This launch a new campaign to raise awareness of the importance of the making the ‘Rough Sex Defence’ in the UK illegal.

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How can brands capitalise on the power of sporting communities in lockdown?

By Nicola Kemp

As the Premier League re-starts in earnest this month and sporting bodies gently ease restrictions on training, now is the perfect time to reappraise the power of sport in marketing.

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Leadership from your living room

By Hannah Partridge

Hannah Partridge, Director of Portfolio & Client Development at The Marketing Store on how to build relationships with a new team & new clients when you’ve never met face-to-face.

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The best of times, the worst of times: Starting a new ad agency job during lockdown

By Paul Wilde

Paul Wilde, Managing Partner at Crispin Porter Bogusky London explains how his formative first few weeks at a new agency have been, under lockdown, rather different.

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Will coronavirus be the catalyst for greater inclusivity from brands?

By Michael Brown

Michael Brown, Insight & Cross-Culture Partner at UM believes that the current crisis has given brands an opportunity to reach out to minority groups who have been isolated from the conversation for too long.

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My struggle with WFH

By Tania Feeley

Tania Feeley, Managing Partner at RAPP LONDON writes revealingly about how lockdown, and enforced WFH, has led her to confront her workaholic tendencies.

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Is ‘always on’ a sustainable strategy in the face of the Coronavirus?

By Nicola Kemp

Does prioritising employees' mental health demand that the industry embraces new ways of working which prioritise digital wellbeing well beyond Mental Health Awareness Week?

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Advertising through COVID-19: Lessons from past triumphs through adversity

By Juliet Haygarth

Juliet Haygarth, Managing Director of Effie UK explains how community, building trust and employee engagement are key to brands emerging from this crisis stronger.

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Fluidity isn’t a trend; we need to stop treating it like one

By Katy Woodrow Hill and Joanna Lyall

Katy Woodrow Hill, Strategy Partner at Livity and Joanna Lyall, Country Manager at Freeda U.K explore how gender fluidity signals a dramatic change in what young people demand from brands.

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