BITE Focus

Is recycled advertising a trend?

By Nicola Kemp

As the climate emergency rises up the business and brand agenda, will we see a growing number of brands adopt the Greenpeace approach and recycle their advertising?

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BITE Focus


By Taj Sur

Taj Sur, Group Account Director at Savvy explores 'Little London', its creative hub, bustling streets and of course, work the North can be proud of.

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BITE Focus

Blame Boris, Jeremy and Brexit: UK marketing budgets flatline in Bellwether

By Nicola Kemp

Rising political and economic uncertainty will lead to zero overall growth in marketing budgets in the second quarter of 2019 according to the IPA Bellwether Report.

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The importance of trans representation, and why every voice should be heard

By Izzy Ashton

Brands can help shape an understanding of an experience which many people go through every day. These stories can help foster empathy in an audience & ultimately help move the needle towards even more inclusive representation.

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What the “irrational” Brexit Party teaches us about the failure of the “rational” benefit of remaining

By Richard Wise

What’s rational is rarely what’s human. Which is why however rational the Remain idea was, it’s gone. Because something with more tribal and human appeal was presented in a way that captured the popular imagination.

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The Car Market Needs A Flexitarian Revolution

By Jonathan Trimble

Sixt launches a campaign to scratch the driving itch, without the dirty downside.

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Not ‘who’ but ‘what’, won big at Cannes this year?

By Matt Waller

This year, Matt Waller, Creative Director at Recipe, asks himself not ‘Who won big at Cannes?’ but ‘What won big at Cannes?’

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BITE Focus


By Jimmy Taylor

Jimmy Taylor, Head of New Business at Zone, explores the city's creative hub, its mouth-watering restaurants & the cosmopolitan nature of its inhabitants.

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BITE Focus

Cannes Lions 2019: We are at a turning point for the industry

By Nicola Kemp

From the new era of marketing for good, to the need for greater humanity in marketing, here are the key themes from this year’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

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BITE Focus

Future Gazers on the Terrace: Wellness, Cognitive Creativity & AR

By Izzy Ashton

Predicting the future is something humans have always been fascinated with but what the future holds for the industry is a tricky one to fathom, unless you know where to look.

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BITE Focus

Collaboration, culture shift and transparency: fashion’s sustainable future

By Izzy Ashton

Stylus’ annual Decoded conference lifted the lid on the challenges the fashion industry faces as it seeks to address the climate emergency.

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BITE Focus

“It’s one thing to adopt the code it’s another thing to change the culture.” Why TimeTo is taking its campaign to eradicate sexual harassment to Cannes

By Nicola Kemp

TimeTo’s hard hitting campaign is a reminder of the need to continue the drive to eradicate sexual harassment in advertising.

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BITE Focus

“The algorithm outpaced the ethics”: Why the Conscious Advertising Network wants to clean up digital advertising

By Nicola Kemp

Launching its manifesto, the Conscious Advertising Network has urged brands to use their influence to prevent the spread of hate speech and fake news.

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BITE Focus

Seven Nudges from Nudgestock

By Nicola Kemp

Behavioural science can shift the dial when it comes to brand building and Ogilvy’s annual Nudgestock conference demonstrated the power of getting outside of the bubble.

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