
Brand-made films

By Izzy Ashton

When brands create content that rivals that of streaming platforms, they can open up a new world of engagement, and of possibilities.

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Calm in the chaos

By Matt Buttrick

The band Blur once claimed that modern life is rubbish. But the real truth is that modern life is busy, switched on and more than a little stressful.

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BITE Focus

Let's go outside

By Kara Melchers

Outdoor ads morphing as we move through a city is a polarising thought. Face recognition and location tagging already make it possible for advertisers to know who and where we are.

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Tackling the trolls

By Izzy Ashton

When you say the word troll, what image springs to mind? How about a shadow-like figure sitting behind a computer screen angrily typing away at people they’ve never met?

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An evolving logo evolution

By Kara Melchers

Over the last century logos have evolved from complex designs to simple marks. Perhaps a changing, adaptable design is the future for brands to keep up with our rapidly moving, constantly innovating world.

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BITE Focus

Play the game

By Izzy Ashton

The unifying nature of sport creates an incomparable platform for brands, especially as the avenues through which we watch it grow, shift and change. In 2017 the sports market was estimated to be worth around $700billion.

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Mental Health, it's time we all talked about it

By Kara Melchers

Mental health is not just an issue for social media companies. Anyone who brings images and messages to our screens should be thinking about these silent illnesses.

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The resurgence of radio

By Izzy Ashton

How can brands transform their visually-led, instagramable world into sound? When we listen to a story our imagination builds images, characters and entire worlds. It is this visual power that brands can draw from as they create a radio ad.

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Decoding SXSW 2018

By Marie Stafford

The annual cornucopia of ideas, inspiration and tacos that is SXSW is drawing to a close in Austin. This was the year Elon Musk crashed the party, Arnold Schwarzenegger talked tough on climate change and Ashton Kutcher even hosted his own start-up contest.

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Feel the Future: 5 Key Themes from SXSW

By Neil Davidson

Every March, masses attend South by Southwest (SXSW), the world’s leading tech and innovation conference in Austin, Texas. Over seventy thousand visitors come to go deeper into what is often described as the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, the technological revolution.

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BITE Focus

SXSW 2018

By Kara Melchers

How to design for the future, now. We all have the opportunity to make the future human centric. By taking action on the trends in the present, we have an opportunity to make the future we want to live in.

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Two take outs from SXSW which will improve your ideas

By David Caygill

In Bruce Sterling’s closing remarks yesterday we were told "Technologists are terrible at predicting the future because they try to solve everything”. Which is a funny thing to hear at the world’s biggest technology and innovation conference.

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Once more with feeling: the empathetic SXSW

By Lawrence Weber

This year, Bruce Stirling focused on what was for me the stand out theme of this year’s SXSW: reconnecting technology with humanity and building an empathetic future.

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What stood out at SXSW

By Kara Melchers

Here, some of the attendees from socially-led creative agency We Are Social, share some of the trends that stood out for them over the last few days.

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